Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Review: Dead Sea Essentials Tea Tree Oil Foot Cream

I should start off this post by saying I absolutely despise feet! There is just something about them that I think is so…weird. But as much as I dislike feet, I think its important to keep them looking good!

Come summertime (...even though it's almost over!) it’s safe to say that with 90 degree weather and sunny days most women & men have been wearing sandals! I have no problem with that, in fact I love seeing all the cute different type of sandals that are out there. But the one thing that absolutely irks me more than ANYTHING is when people wear sandals with not so cute looking tootsies!

I understand that not EVERYONE cares about having their feet look good when they run out of the house and that some people just don’t have time but it is just one of those things that bothers me a little bit (…or a lot.)

So since I care about how my feet look & feel I decided to try out Dead Sea Essentials Tea Tree Oil Foot Cream as it claims to “repair” your feet!

The first time I applied it, it did make my feet feel super soft! It also has kind of a minty smell to it. But I didn’t want to jump to conclusions right away because I knew that this stuff had to pass the test of my workday. So I applied this EVERYDAY for an entire work week. I would come home from work, take a shower & apply this right before I went to bed.

Even though I used this for a straight week, I didn’t see any outstanding results. It did add moisture but only temporarily. It didn’t help my feet over the course of a week commuting through New York City but I will continue to apply it everyday in the hopes that maybe it just needs a bit longer to make a difference!

Do you use anything on your tootsies?! Do you have any other Dead Sea Essentials products to recommend?

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